Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
5/30/2024 - 5:30 PM  
Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel (AFP)  
6. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 3.09 - Purchasing and Bidding Requirements  
Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts: Proposed Contracts and Supporting Documents  
File Attachment:
1. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts.pdf
2. C031607 Cooperative Educational Services Agency #1, Original Contract.pdf
3. C031607 Cooperative Educational Services Agency #1, First Modification.pdf
4. C031607 Cooperative Educational Services Agency #1, Second Modification.pdf
5. C031607 Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1, First Extension.pdf
6. Milwaukee County Youth Education Center MOU Agreement 24-25.pdf
7. C032720 Cooperative Educational Service Agency No. 9 dba CESA 9, Original Contract.pdf
8. C032697 Demand and Precision, Original Contract.pdf
9. C032797 - Qualtrics, LLC -Professional Services Contract.pdf
10. C031992 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Professional Services Contract.pdf
Recommended for the Board's approval at this meeting are the following exception-to-bid contracts:

Advantage Auto Leasing Inc. d/b/a Advantage Trailer for a mobile stage trailer, 000-0-0-MAS-NL-FTRG =$56,250.00;

Cooperative Educational Service Agency (CESA) #1 for Title IA, Title ID, Title IIA, and Title IVA services, SCF-0-0-CTG-DW-ECTS=$12,500, SCF-0-0-CTG-DW-ECTS=$900, (Service Fees); GOE-0-I-9A5-KY-ECTS=$34,770.40, GOE-0-I-1N5-1S-ECES=$13,663.36, PRT-0-S-1N5-1S-ECTS=$153.20, MSS-0S-1N5-1S-ECTS=$766.01, MSS-0-S-235-1S-ECTS=$990.14, EUT-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$97.96, SFH-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$440.83, WRE-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$440.83, (Lad Lake St. Rose); GOE-0-I-9A5-25-ECTS=$33,149.00, GOE-0-I-1N5-1S-ECES=$16,396.03, PRT-0-S-1N5-1S-ECTS=$183.84, MSS-0S-1N5-1S-ECTS=$919.21, MSS-0-S-235-1S-ECTS=$1,188.17, EUT-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$117.55, SFH-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$528.99, WRE-0-S-4B5-1S-ECTS=$528.99, (St. Charles Youth and Family Services); GOE-0-I-9A5-5A-ECTS=$22,789.94, (Bakari Center);

MOU with Milwaukee County Youth Education Center for Title 1D services, OPI-0-I-9A4-MY-ECTS = $20,718.13;

Cooperative Educational Services Agency No. 9 dba CESA 9 for the provision of virtual program/school, GOE-0-I-JG5-SM-ECTS =$350,000.00;

Demand & Precision Parts Co. of Milwaukee, Inc. DBA Keeper Goals for building branding services for Audubon High School, GEN-H-I-BDH-A9-ECTS =$61,365.00;

Qualtrics, LLC for provision of survey software, associated dashboards, SYS-0-0-AMT-RH-ECTS =$193,902.19;

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for grant coordination and advisory committee services, CDV-0-S-DX4-DE-ECTS =$112,500.00;
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item authorizes expenditures as indicated in the attachments.  
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Upon approval by the Board, the contracts will begin as indicated in the attachments.  
Your Committee recommends that the Board authorize the exception-to-bid contracts as set forth in the attachments to this item.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jill Kawala - Interim Director/Board Clerk