Meeting Date:
Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget |
1. Report with Possible Action on the District's Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund Evaluation Plan |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1 Academic Achievement
MPS ESSER Evaluation Deck Final ESSER II Budget Detail Post ESSER Recommendations |
File Attachment:
The purpose of this report will be to provide final highlights of ESSER II expenditures and an update of the American Institutes of Research’s (AIR’s) evaluation of Milwaukee Public Schools’ Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II and ESSER III) Funding. As part of the evaluation, AIR will achieve three main objectives: (a) create geospatial maps and dashboards describing the use of ESSER funding and the relationships between ESSER funding and other variables of interest, (b) train MPS analyst(s) to maintain and update the web maps and dashboards, and (c) evaluate a minimum of three key ESSER-funded initiatives. ESSER II allocations are budgeted based on the following identified priority funding areas: • Accelerating learning • Health and wellness • Facilities ESSER III allocations are budgeted based on the following identified priority funding areas: • Accelerating learning • Health and wellness • Facilities • Technology • Extracurricular Engagement Evaluation reports will be provided at the end of the first and second years of the evaluation. AIR will provide periodic updates to the Milwaukee Board of School Directors after project milestones or as requested. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item does not request additional funds |
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report. Although this item was noticed for possible action, no action is required. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Jill Kawala - Interim Director/Board Clerk |