Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
2/16/2023 - 5:30 PM  
9. Action on a Request to Extend a Contract With Baker Tilly US, LLP for Fiscal Audit and Student Membership Audit Services - Office of Board Governance  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 3.09 - Purchasing and Bidding Requirements  
Action on the Award of Professional Services Contract with Baker Tilly US, LLP for Fiscal Audit and Student Membership Audit Services - Office of Board Governance: Proposed Contract and Supporting Documents  
File Attachment:
1. C029472 Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Original Contract.pdf
2. C029472 Baker Tilly US,LLP Contract Extension.pdf
The Office of Board Governance is requesting authorization to extend a contract with Baker Tilly US, LLP (formerly Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP) to perform fiscal audit and student membership audit services. This contractor will be used to deliver required audits of the district’s financial records and accounts and audits of membership counts.

Baker Tilly provides State and Board required audits with these audits performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the standards set forth for financial audits in the Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, OMB, and State Single Audit Guidelines issued by the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

Baker Tilly was chosen pursuant to RFP 1028, which closed on February 5, 2020. The original contract had a term of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023, (the “Initial Term”), with two additional one-year options to extend if certain performance metrics incorporated into the contract are met.

The performance metrics that were applicable were met by Baker Tilly. Based on continuity of services along with continuity of the Baker Tilly team that has performed this engagement, it is requested that the first one-year option be approved at this time.

The term of the contract will be from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and will not exceed $327,170
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item authorizes expenditures as indicated in the attachments.

Budget Code:
SCF-00-CTG-DW-EAUS (Special & Contingent Fund – Audit Services) $277,170
ADT-0A-1Ax-OB-EAUS (Title I – Audit Services) $50,000

Baker Tilly US, LLP
Certified HUB Contractor? ……………………….NO
Total # of Employees …………………………..3,900+
Total # of Minorities …………………………..611
Total # of Women ……………………………..1,870
Required ……………………………………………25%
Proposed ……………………………………………25%
$ Value ……………………………………………TBD
STUDENT ENGAGEMENT (hours per 12-month contract)
Paid Student Employment Hour Commitment: 300 HOURS
Student Career Awareness Commitment: 10 HOURS
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Upon approval by the Board, the contract will begin as indicated in the attachments.  
The Office of Board Governance recommends that the Board authorize the professional services contracts as set forth in the attachments to this item.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jiquinna Cohen - Supplier Diversity Analyst I
Signed By:  
Janine Adamczyk - Manager I, Procurement
Signed By:  
Martha Kreitzman - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:  
Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D. - Board Clerk/Chief Officer
Signed By:  
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent