Meeting Date:
2. Action on a Request to Approve Revisions to Administrative Policy and Procedure 7.26 Textbook/Instructional Materials Adoption |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3 Effective and Efficient Operations
Administrative Policy 7.26 Redlined Administrative Policy 7.26 Administrative Procedure 7.26 Redlined Administrative Procedure 7.26 |
File Attachment:
Per Administrative Policy 2.11, every fifth year, the Board and its designee shall revisit all of its policies, rules, and procedures to determine their coherence and appropriateness to the present mission of the district. The Administration recommends revisions to Administrative Policy 7.26 and Administrative Procedure 7.26 to uniform all textbook/material adoptions proposed by the district, to clarify the process that must be followed and to include the guidelines that will be followed by Procurement. Additional language was added to ensure that the vendor understands and commits to the Spanish language requirements before submitting materials. Furthermore, additional language was included to ensure that evaluation criteria specific to English Learners (ELs) and bilingual program requirements are part of the overall criteria. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Upon approval by the Board, the Office of Board Governance will make and publish revision to the policy. |
The recommendation is that the Board approve revisions to the Administrative Policy and Procedure 7.26 Textbook/Instructional Materials Adoption. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Felicia Saffold, Ed.D. - Senior Director, Curriculum & Instruction |
Signed By: |
Jennifer Mims Howell - Chief Academic Officer |
Signed By: |
Eduardo Galvan - Final Approver |