Meeting Date:
Report of the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement (PACE) |
2. Report with Possible Action on Annual School Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment (PCSA) |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1 Academic Achievement
RDA PCSA Executive Summary 2023-2024 |
File Attachment:
The Procedural Compliance Self Assessment (PCSA) includes a school-based assessment aspect that is completed annually during the spring. At that time, an annual measurement of compliance is completed by each school in the district. The results of the measurement are reported by school and by district-level. The schools' data are used to form the goals and action steps for special education compliance in each individual School Improvement Plan (SIP). The District's data are used to analyze district supports and to develop plans of improvement for district-wide systems that serve students with disabilities.
Results-driven Accountability (RDA) is a revised accountability system from the federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). States were allowed to choose a focus for RDA. Wisconsin chose literacy outcomes because this is an area of challenge for many students with disabilities in the state. Thus, Wisconsin’s effort retools the acronym as “Reading Drives Achievement: Success through Literacy (RDA:StL).” The revised accountability system, which used to focus solely on compliance, now includes both compliance and results. Each Milwaukee public school receives the results of PCSA with the expectation that data will be included in the school-wide planning each year. The target for the PCSA is to achieve (and to maintain) 100% in each of the identified compliance items. Federal oversight requires 100% compliance. Milwaukee Public Schools strives to meet this goal each year. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report. Although this item was noticed for possible action, no action is required. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Dr. Tina Owen-Moore - Board Clerk |