Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/16/2023 - 5:30 PM  
Resolutions (for Referral to Committee unless Otherwise Indicated)  
1. Action on a Request to Waive Board Rule 1.10, In Order to Give Public Hearing and Take Immediate Action on Resolution 2324R-004, by Directors Garcia and Zombor on Reading Screeners for English Learners  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
1.10 - Communications, Petitions, Resolutions for Referral  
File Attachment:
2324R-004 Garcia - WASB Reading Screener for ELs_FINAL_REV.pdf
The Milwaukee Public Schools’ Board of School Directors is the one and only member of Region 14 of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB).

The Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) has designated a process to submit 2024 resolution proposals to be considered by the WASB Policy and Resolutions Committee. According to the WASB Resolution Proposals process, all proposed resolutions must be officially approved at a meeting of the respective school board prior to the September 2023, submission deadline; otherwise, resolutions may be submitted on-the-floor at the delegate assembly.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
That the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
1. adopt the attached WASB 2024 Resolution Proposal for submission to the WASB Policy and Resolutions Committee for its consideration; and
2. that the Office of Board Governance include these demands in the Board’s Legislative Agenda.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jill Kawala (Final) - Assistant Board Clerk