Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/10/2022 - 5:30 PM  
3. Action on Resolution 2223-009, by Directors Siemsen and Peterson, on Collaborative/Shared Leadership  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 6.01 - General Personnel Policies  
Resolution 2223R-009 by Directors Siemsen and Peterson on Collaborative /Shared Leadership  
File Attachment:
2223R-009 Siemsen and Peterson - Collaborative Shared Leadership.pdf
On October 27, 2022, Resolution 2223R-009 was introduced by Directors Siemsen and Peterson on Collaborative/Shared Leadership.

The Resolved portion of the Resolution reads:

RESOLVED, That the District adopt a set of practices and standards for shared leadership that would include, but not be limited to, the following leader responsibilities/expectations:

1. intentional creation of a positive culture and climate;
2. creation of an environment that has tolerance for risk and failure;
3. acknowledgment of the strengths of the staff and reliance on them to help solve problems and to lead initiatives;
4. ensuring that there are systems in place for ongoing and timely communication and encouragement of intentional collaboration between staff members; and
5. building of a community in which people pull together to identify problems, to create solutions, to make decisions collectively, and to share accountability, with the understanding that this a responsibility of people at every level of the organization; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That school leaders (principals, assistant principals, and teacher leaders) participate in professional development on the practices and standards of shared leadership at least twice a year; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That non-school administrator leaders participate in professional development on the practices and standards of shared leadership at least twice a year, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That these practices and standards become part of the five-year Strategic Plan, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Administration report back to the Board on this resolution no later than the February 2023 board cycle with:
1. proposed revisions to the above set of practices and standards;
2. a schedule for professional development for school and departmental leaders starting in March of 2023; and
3. a plan to introduce this initiative at school and departmental levels.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Upon Board approval, the resolution will be implemented.  
The Administration recommends the Board adopt Resolution 2223R-009.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Adria Maddaleni - Chief Human Resources Officer
Signed By:  
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent