Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/19/2023 - 5:30 PM
Type: Action
Subject: 3. Action on a Request to Approve the Proposed 2024-2025 Districtwide School Calendar
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: Admin Policy 7.03 - School Year/School Calendar
Attachments Calendar Survey Results Powerpoint
Proposed Districtwide Calendar 24-25
File Attachment:
Calendar Survey Results powerpoint.pdf
Proposed districtwide calendar 24-25.pdf
Background: In January and February of this year, members of the community and MPS families, staff, students were encouraged to take the Strategic Plan survey. In the survey, participants were asked questions regarding the district moving to a single school calendar. Survey participants overwhelming supported moving to a single school calendar. As a result of the strong response regarding the school calendar, a special project within the Strategic Plan was created to address the implementation of one versus two school calendars.

A committee of stakeholders was created to develop calendar options and a calendar survey to gather feedback from various stakeholders. Based upon the survey results, the Administration is bringing the attached calendar for Board consideration.
Fiscal Impact Statement: No fiscal impact.
Implementation and Assessment Plan Upon approval by the Board, the Administration will implement the 2024-25 districtwide school calendar.
Recommendation: The Administration recommends the Board approve the proposed 2024-25 districtwide school calendar as presented in the attachment.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Adria Maddaleni - Chief Human Resources Officer
Signed By:
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent