Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/21/2023 - 5:30 PM
Category: Report of the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation
Type: Action
Subject: 6. Report with Possible Action Regarding Ambitious Instruction
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Policy: Admin Policy 7.01 - Teaching and Learning Goals
Attachments The attached presentation provides an update on the work, accomplishments, and future goals of Ambitious Instruction: Accelerating Learning.
File Attachment:
Report with Possible Action Regarding Ambitious Instruction.pdf
Background: Ambitious Instruction: Accelerating Learning is the academic plan for the district. The plan is focused on three levers. The levers are Formative Practices, Explicit Instruction, and Engagement. The Ambitious Instruction plan embodies the district’s Five Priorities for Success, focusing on increasing academic achievement and accountability, developing our staff, and strengthening communication and collaboration. It is closely aligned with the district's Strategic Plan.

To track the progress of Ambitious Instruction: Accelerating Learning, a non-evaluative Walk-Through Rubric was designed to gather feedback on how to better support teachers and leaders in understanding and implementing teacher learning of best practices.

Intentional efforts have been made to monitor the impact of Ambitious Instruction through goal setting, monitoring instruction, and providing strategic support and coaching.

This report provides and update on the work, accomplishments and next steps.
Fiscal Impact Statement: No Fiscal Impact
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommendation: Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report. Although this item was noticed for possible action, no action is required.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jill Kawala - Interim Director/Board Clerk