Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/30/2024 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: 1. Reports and Communications from the Board Clerk, Action on a Request to Retire to Closed Session to Confer with Legal Counsel Relative to Litigation in Which the Board is or is Likely to Become Involved
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: 1.18 - Legal Representation
File Attachment:
Background: Under the provisions of Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(g), the Board may retire to a closed session for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel who is rendering oral or written advice concerning litigation in which the Board is or is likely to become involved.

The Board may return to open session to take action on matters discussed in closed session or to continue with its agenda, or, the Board may retire from closed session.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jill Kawala - Interim Director/Board Clerk