Meeting Date:
2/23/2023 - 5:30 PM
Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel
3. Report with Possible Action on Resolution 2223R-009, by Directors Siemsen and Peterson on Collaborative/Shared Leadership
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3 Effective and Efficient Operations
Resolution 2223R-009 presentation final Resolution 2223R-009, adopted
File Attachment:
On October 27, 2022, Resolution 2223R-009 on Collaborative/Shared Leadership was introduced by Directors Siemsen and Peterson. At its November 17, 2022, meeting, the Board adopted Resolution 2223R-009. The Resolved portion of the resolution reads: RESOLVED, That the District adopt a set of practices and standards for shared leadership that would include, but not be limited to, the following leader responsibilities/expectations: 1. intentional creation of a positive culture and climate; 2. creation of an environment that has tolerance for risk and failure; 3. acknowledgment of the strengths of the staff and reliance on them to help solve problems and to lead initiatives; 4. ensuring that there are systems in place for ongoing and timely communication and encouragement of intentional collaboration between staff members; and 5. building of a community in which people pull together to identify problems, to create solutions, to make decisions collectively, and to share accountability, with the understanding that this a responsibility of people at every level of the organization; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That school leaders (principals, assistant principals, and teacher leaders) participate in professional development on the practices and standards of shared leadership at least twice a year; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That non-school administrator leaders participate in professional development on the practices and standards of shared leadership at least twice a year, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That these practices and standards become part of the five-year Strategic Plan, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Administration report back to the Board on this resolution no later than the February 2023 board cycle with: 1. proposed revisions to the above set of practices and standards; 2. a schedule for professional development for school and departmental leaders starting in March of 2023; and 3. a plan to introduce this initiative at school and departmental levels. The Administration is presenting the attached report, relative to the implementation of the resolution.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item does not authorize expenditures.
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report from the Administration. Although it has been noticed for possible action, no action is required.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D. - Board Clerk/Chief Officer