Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/26/2024 - 5:30 PM
Category: Report of the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies (LRP)
Type: Action
Subject: 1. Action on a Request to Approve Revisions to Administrative Policy and Procedure 7.12 Foreign Languages
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Policy: Admin Policy 7.12 - Foreign Languages
Attachments Administrative Policy 7.12 Foreign Languages Administrative Procedure 7.12 Foreign Languages Revised Administrative Policy 7.12 World Languages Revised Administrative Procedure 7.12 World Languages
File Attachment:
Administrative Policy 7.12, World Languages_Redline.pdf
Administrative Procedure 7.12, World Languages_Redline.pdf
Background: Per Board Policy 2.11, every fifth year, the Board and its designee shall revisit all of its policies, rules, and procedures to determine their coherence and appropriateness to the present mission of the district. Policies, rules, and procedures are reviewed on an ongoing basis. The Administration has reviewed the following policy and procedure: Administrative Policy 7.12 World Languages Administrative Procedure 7.12 World Languages It has been determined that the policy listed above requires modifications to better align with the mission of the district and the evolving needs of our students. The policy changes were made to address the growing need for multilingualism among students in an increasingly globalized world. By strengthening world language offerings at all school levels, Milwaukee Public Schools aims to prepare students for the global workforce and foster an inclusive learning environment. Furthermore, ensuring that no child is excluded from language study due to disabilities aligns with our commitment to equity and accessibility in education. These policy changes reflect the Administration’s dedication to providing comprehensive and inclusive educational opportunities for all students. Therefore, it is recommended that the Board approve the revisions to this policy and procedure.
Fiscal Impact Statement: none
Implementation and Assessment Plan Upon Board approval, Administrative Policy 7.12 World Languages and Administrative Procedure 7.12 World Languages will be implemented with the changes as written.
Recommendation: Your Committee recommends adoption of the proposed revisions to the policy and procedure.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Tina Owen-Moore - Board Clerk