Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/31/2024 - 5:30 PM
Category: Report of the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation (SASI)
Type: Action
Subject: 5. Report with Possible Action on Postsecondary Enrollment
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Policy: Admin Policy 1.01 - Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs, and Goals
Attachments Postsecondary Enrollment Presentation
File Attachment:
Postsecondary Enrollment Presentation.pdf
Background: Milwaukee Public Schools provides supports to students and families for postsecondary enrollment. This report will provide information on the postsecondary enrollment trends, the top institutions of higher education destinations, the work of the College and Career Centers, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) data, and current partnerships.
Fiscal Impact Statement: NA
Implementation and Assessment Plan NA
Recommendation: Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report. Although this item was noticed for possible action, no action is required.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Tina Owen-Moore - Board Clerk