Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/10/2024 - 5:30 PM
Type: Info
Subject: 6. Report with Possible Action Regarding the MPS/MKE Early Childhood 1,825 Initiative
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Policy: Admin Policy 1.01 - Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs, and Goals
Attachments MPS_MKE_EC_1825_Initiative_Update_Oct_2024
File Attachment:
Background: In November 2018, the Milwaukee Public Schools in collaboration with the City of Milwaukee and other public and private partners announced an initiative and call to action to improve early child education across the city. The first five years (or 1,825 days) of life for a child are the most important when it comes to a child’s education and development. MPS and City leaders joined together to build on past momentum and push forward with the MPS/MKE Early Childhood 1,825 Initiative.

The mission of this work is to improve the learning experiences for children ages birth-though- five years in the city of Milwaukee by ensuring that all educators and childcare providers, who directly impact our students learning, possess the understanding, skill set, knowledge base, capacity, and resource needed to provide high quality instruction to all students participating in early childhood education programs.

This report provides an update to the work, accomplishments, and future tasks of the MPS/MKE Early Childhood 1,825 Initiative.
Fiscal Impact Statement: N/A
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Recommended By:
Signed By:
K. Washington - Manager II, Early Childhood Learning
Signed By:
Felicia Saffold, Ed.D. - Senior Director, Curriculum & Instruction
Signed By:
Jennifer Mims Howell - Chief Academic Officer
Signed By:
Eduardo Galvan - Interim Superintendent