Public Agenda
TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 3/29/2012 TIME: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Donald J. O'Connell Memorial Auditorium, Central S
DETAILS: Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Awards and Commendations
1. March Awards and Commendations Info
Approval of Minutes
1. The minutes of the special and regular meetings of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors for January 31, 2012, and February 23, 2012, will be presented for the Board's approval. Action
Reports and Communications from the Superintendent
1. Action on a Resolution, in Accordance With Wisconsin Administrative Code 80.60 (3), Stating the Board’s Intent and Agreement to Self-Insure Action
Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
1. Action on Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors (Student Expulsions) Action
Reports of Standing Committees Action
1. Action on the Reports of the Standing Committees for March 2012. Action
Report of the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement Action
1. Report and Possible Action on District Parental Involvement Activities: Parent Coordinator Meetings Action
2. Report and Possible Action on Parental Dispute Resolution System (PDRS) Data Action
3. Report and Possible Action on Services Provided to Students with Disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Action
Report of the Committee on Innovation/School Reform Action
1. Informational Report and Possible Action Regarding a Blended Learning Network Consortium Action
2. Follow-Up and Action on a Recommendation to Merge the Sixty-Eighth Street Early Childhood School's Educational Program and Eighty-First Street School at the End of the 2011-12 School Year Action
3. Action on a Charter School Proposal from the Banner School of Milwaukee Action
4. Action on a Charter School Proposal from the Brewers Hill S.T.E.M. Academy Action
Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel Action
1. Action on Monthly Finance Matters: Authorization to Make Purchases; Acceptance of the Report of Revenues and Expenses; Monthly Expenditure Control Report; Report on Administrative and School Fund Transfers; Report on Contracts under $50,000 and Cumulative Totals and Acceptance of Donations Action
2. Action on Monthly Personnel Matters: Action on Classified Personnel Transactions; Action on Certificated Appointments; Action on Leaves of Absence; Report on Certificated Resignations and Classified Retirements; and Affirmative Action Report Action
3. Action on Recommended Administrative Appointments and Promotions Action
4. Action on Monthly Facilities: Award of Contracts Action
5. Action on the Award of Professional Services Contracts Action
6. Action on the Award of Sole-Source (Exception-To-Bid) Contracts Action
7. Action on Receipt of the Fiscal Year-End 2011 Audit Reports Action
8. Action on Changes in the Actuarial Assumptions for the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Supplemental Early Retirement Plan for Teachers Action
9. Action on a Resolution to Adopt an Amendment to the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Supplemental Early Retirement Plan for Teachers Action
10. Action on A Lease Agreement With Highland Community School at MacDowell Montessori Action
11. Action on the Award of Sole-Source Contract with Sungard Public Sector to Develop Enhancements to the District's Financial System Action
12. Action on a Report from the Chief Accountability and Efficiency Officer (CAEO) Regarding the Work on the Lean/Six Sigma (LSS) Initiatives Action
13. Action on a Request for Budget Authority to Change a Position in the Office of Accountability and Efficiency (OAE) Action
Report of the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies Action
1. Response and Action on Resolution 1112R-023 by Director Miller Regarding the Student Bill of Rights Drafted by the Members of Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) Action
2. Response and Action on Resolution 1112R-011 by Director Sain to Develop a Parent/Guardian Involvement Pledge Action
3. Action on the Proposed MPS 2012-2014 Legislative Agenda Action
4. Action on Technical Amendments to Board Rules Pertaining to the Committee on Innovation/School Reform Action
5. Action on a Request to Revise Administrative Policies and Procedures 7.33, Grading Systems; and 7.34, Final Examinations; and Administrative Policy 7.35 Student Progress Reports to Parents Action
Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget Action
1. Informational Report and Possible Action on the Status of Proposed FY13 School Budgets Action
Action on Items Set Aside
Unfinished Business
1. Action on Resolution 1011R-018 by Director Falk to Revise Board Rule 1.02(1) to Reschedule Some Regular Monthly Board Meetings and the Board’s Annual Organizational Meeting to Accommodate Some Holidays and Other Special Events Action
New Business
1. Reports, with Possible Action, of the Board's Delegates for March 2012 Info
2. Report of the President of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors for March 2012 Info
Resolutions for Referral
1. Referral of Resolutions to Committees Info