Meeting Date:
Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel |
5. Action on Request to Waive Administrative Policy 3.09(9)(e) and Issue a Contract with Loomis Armored US, LLC d/b/a Loomis for Armored Car Services |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3 Effective and Efficient Operations
Action on Requests to Waive Administrative Policy 3.09(9)(e) Relative to Purchase Orders and Contracts |
File Attachment:
The Administration is requesting authorization to enter into a contract with Loomis Armored US, LLC dba Loomis to provide armored car services for all Milwaukee Public Schools. Loomis Armored US, LLC dba Loomis will be required to pick up sealed deposits of money, checks or other securities, sign the receipt at each school and deliver the deposits to local MPS-designated banks. The exception from the requirement of a competitive procurement process for this contract has been granted on the basis that the services under this contract are required pursuant to delivery date (Administrative Policy 3.09(7)(E)(1)(b)(vii). The request to waive Administrative Policy 3.09 with respect to term limit is for services being more cost effective to MPS at a longer term. This contract will run from March 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 (“Initial Term”) with the possibility of two one-year extensions based upon a review of various performance metrics to be rated by MPS personnel. The total cost of the contract in the Initial Term will not exceed $770,000.00. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
Budget Code: FSC-0-0-BSF-DW-EGSV =$770,000.00 |
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Upon approval by the Board, the contract will begin as indicated in the attachment. |
Your Committee recommends that the Board authorize the request to waive Administrative Policy 3.09(9)(e) and the contract as set forth in the attachments to this item. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Jill Kawala - Interim Director/Board Clerk |