Meeting Date:
1. Action on a Request to Adopt Resolution 2425R-010, by Director Leonard, on the Establishment of an Operational Review Committee |
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3 Effective and Efficient Operations
Resolution 2425R-010 by Director Leonard on the Establishment of an Operational Review Committee |
File Attachment:
At the February 27, 2025 Full Board meeting, Resolution 2425R-010 was introduced and referred to the PACE committee. The resolved portion of Resolution 2425R-010 reads: RESOLVED, That the Milwaukee Board of School Directors formally commits to reviewing, discussing, and publicly addressing the findings of Milwaukee Public Schools Operational Review in a timely manner; and, be it RESOLVED, That the Board, hereby, establishes an Operational Advisory Committee to consider the Operational Review and to develop a transparent action plan based on the recommendations in the Operational Review; and WHEREAS, The plan shall be created through an equity lens and shall outline specific steps, measurable goals, and timelines to fulfill the recommendations of the Operational Review; and, be it FURTHER RESOLIVED, That the Superintendent, the Office of Accountability and Efficiency, and the Chief Officer, Office of Board Governance shall present to the Board, in the April cycle, the charge of the Committee and a description of the membership, in accordance with Board Governance Policy 2.10, Board Advisory Committees; and; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Committee shall include educators, administrators, parents, students, and community stakeholders; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Operational Advisory Committee, through the Administration, shall provide, through the appropriate committee of the Board, quarterly reports on the status of these reforms, including organizational changes, data on student performance improvements, fiscal management, and community engagement efforts; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the first report shall be presented in the August 2025 Board cycle. |
Fiscal Impact Statement:
At this time there is no fiscal impact associated with this item. |
Implementation and Assessment Plan: |
Upon Board approval, the Administration will work with the Board to implement Resolution 2425R-010 and present a report in August 2025. |
The Administration recommends the Board adopt resolution 2425R-010 by Director Leonard on the Establishment of an Operational Review Committee as attached. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Paulette Chambers - Chief of Staff |
Signed By: |
Eduardo Galvan - Interim Superintendent |