Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
7/27/2023 - 5:30 PM  
Regular Items of Business  
10. Action on the Award of Professional Services Contracts  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 3.09 - Purchasing and Bidding Requirements  
Action on the Award of Professional Services Contract: Proposed Contract and Supporting Documents  
File Attachment:
1. Action on the Award of Professional Service Contracts.pdf
2. C030704, Edgenuity Inc, Original Contract.pdf
3. C030704, Edgenuity Inc, First Modification.pdf
4. C030704, Edgenuity Inc. NKA Imagine Learning LLC, First Extension.pdf
5. B0001551 Virco Inc.pdf
6. B0001552 School Specialty.pdf
7. C031716, Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, Original Contract.pdf
8. C029149, United Healthcare Insurance Co, Original Contract.pdf
9. C029149, United Healthcare Insurance Co, First Extension.pdf
10. C029149, United Healthcare Insurance Co, Second Extension.pdf
11. C030712, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Original Contract.pdf
12. C030712, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, First Extension and Modification.pdf
13. C030714, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Inc, Orignal Contract.pdf
14. C030714, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, First Extension and Modification.pdf
15. C030715, Lead2Change Inc, Original Contract.pdf
16. C030715, Lead2Change, Inc, First Extension and Modification.pdf
17. C030717, Signature Dance Company, Original Contract.pdf
18. C030717, Signature Dance Company, First Extension and Modification.pdf
19. 23-24 CLC Contract Awards.pdf
20. 23-24 CLC Contract w_Appendices.pdf
21. 23-24 PAH Awards at $50,000 & Above.pdf
22. 23-25 PAH Contract w_Appendices.docx.pdf
23. B0001555, American United Transportation Group.pdf
23. B0001555, American United Transportation Group.pdf
24. B0001557, First Student, Inc Original Contract.pdf
25. B0001558, MC Transportation Services LLC Original Contract.pdf
26. B0001559, Safeway Transportation Services Corporation Original Contract.pdf
Recommended for the Board's approval at this meeting are the following professional services contracts:

Edgenuity Inc NKA Imagine Learning LLC for instructional services, DTI-0-S-9Y4-LS-ECTS =$3,750,000.00;

Virco, Inc. for education, classroom, miscellaneous support furniture and related products, 000-0-0-000-BL-ETCS =$1,000,000.00;

School Specialty, LLC for furniture, installation, and related services, 000-0-0-000-BL-ETCS =$1,000,000.00;

Wisconsin Conservatory of Music for music instructional services, IMS-0-0-IMC-DW-ECTS =$1,500,000.00;

United Healthcare Insurance Co for the administration of the District’s self-funded health plans, DWC-0-0-EMB-DW-EMDI =$4,585,280.00;

Milwaukee Repertory Theater for Saturday youth programming, EXC-A-S-9V4-RC-ECTS =$70,000.00;

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Inc., for Saturday youth programming, EXC-A-S-9V4-RC-ECTS =$109,336.00;

Lead2Change, Inc. for Saturday youth programming, EXC-A-S-9V4-RC-ECTS =$61,625.00;

Signature Dance Company for Saturday youth programming, EXC-A-S-9V4-RC-ECTS =$60,000;

Five Community-Based Organization to operate forty Community Learning Centers during the 2023-24 school year, DTI--X-S-8R4-XX-ECTS =$4,488,750.00, CSV-0-0-CNR-XX-ECTS =$475,000.00;

Twelve Community-Based Organizations to provide arts & humanities programming during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years, CSV-0-0-ART-RC-ECTS = $1,682,532.00;

American United Transportation Group for human service vehicles or van type transportation, 000-0-0-000-BL-ECTS = $800,000.00;

First Student, Inc. for human service vehicles or van type transportation, 000-0-0-000-BL-ECTS = $400,000.00;

MC Transportation Services LLC for human service vehicles or van type transportation, 000-0-0-000-BL-ECTS = $1,000,000,000;

Safeway Transportation Services Corporation for human service vehicles or van type transportation, 000-0-0-000-BL-ECTS = $800,000.00;
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item authorizes expenditures as indicated in the attachments.  
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Upon approval by the Board, the contract will begin as indicated in the attachments.  
The Administration recommends that the Board authorize the professional services contracts as set forth in the attachments to this item.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jiquinna Cohen - Supplier Diversity Analyst I
Signed By:  
Janine Adamczyk - Manager I, Procurement
Signed By:  
Martha Kreitzman - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:  
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent