Meeting Date:
8/20/2024 - 5:30 PM
7. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3 Effective and Efficient Operations
Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts: Proposed Contracts and Supporting Documents
File Attachment:
Recommended for the Board's approval at this meeting are the following exception-to-bid contracts: The Art of Education University LLC for Curriculum Suite licenses, ART-0-I-LAM-DW-ECTS =$380,572.50; Committee for Children for supplemental materials for the Second Step Curriculum, SDV-0-S-605-DE-ETXB =$58,881.60; Compost Crusader LLC for food waste pick up services, AGU-0-I-YQ4-CI-ECTS =$152,000.00; GPS Education Partners, Inc., to provide career awareness and work-based learning experiences, GOE-0-S-CA5-EO-ECTV =$60,000.00; Integrated Fitness, LLC to provide physical education services at Dr. George Washington Carver Academy of Mathematics and Science, HPE-PI-AMP-PA-ECTS =$23,400.00, HPE-PI-LAM-PA-ECTS =$85,200.00; Language Learning Network for bilingual Montessori licensed teachers and language specific teachers, GEN-0-I-BDL-DW-ECTS =$519,231.60; Milwaukee Area Technical College to provide college courses leading to transferrable college credits for MPS High school students through Dual Enrollment & Concurrent Enrollment and M3 College Connections, GEN-0-0-AAC-DW-ECTS =$500,000.00; Mental Health America of Wisconsin for School Community Partnership for Mental Health (SCPMH) Services, CDV-0-S-DX5-DE-ECTS =$250,000.00; Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services for School Community Partnership for Mental Health (SCPMH) Services, CDV-0-S-DX5-DE-ECTS =$400,000.00; Sebastian Family Psychology Practice LLC for School Community Partnership for Mental Health (SCPMH) Services, CDV-0-S-DX5-DE-ECTS =$850,000.00; Sixteen Street Community Health Centers Inc for School Community Partnership for Mental Health (SCPMH) Services, CDV-0-S-DX5-DE-ECTS =$250,000.00; Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Inc for School Community Partnership for Mental Health (SCPMH) Services, CDV-0-S-DX5-DE-ECTS =$250,000.00; United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County for services associated with the Community Schools Partnership, OSC-0-S-1T4-LS-ECTS =$300,000.00; Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System to evaluate the Milwaukee Partnership School Project and Milwaukee Early Literacy League, SDV-H-S-M45-CI-ECTS =$162,365.00; Board of Regents of the UW System to Evaluate the Milwaukee Partnership School Project, SDV-H-S-M45-CI-ECTS =$159,000.00; University of Wisconsin-Board of Regents to provide college courses for MPS High School students through Dual Enrollment & Concurrent Enrollment and M3 College Connections, GEN-0-0-AAC-DW-ECTS =$390,000.00; WasteCap Resource Solutions Inc for waste audits, AGU-0-I-YQ4-CI-ECTS =$60,000.00.
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item authorizes expenditures as indicated in the attachments.
Implementation and Assessment Plan
Upon approval by the Board, the contracts will begin as indicated in the attachments.
The Administration recommends that the Board authorize the exception-to-bid contracts as set forth in the attachments to this item.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jiquinna Cohen - Supplier Diversity Analyst I
Signed By:
Janine Adamczyk - Manager I, Procurement
Signed By:
Todd Gray - Chief Financial Officer, Interim
Signed By:
Eduardo Galvan - Interim Superintendent