Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
9/19/2023 - 5:30 PM  
5. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts  
Strategic Plan Compatibility Statement:
Goal 3
Effective and Efficient Operations
Admin Policy 3.09 - Purchasing and Bidding Requirements  
Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts: Proposed Contracts and Supporting Documents  
File Attachment:
1. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts.docx.pdf
2. C030621 Brink's, Incorporated - Original Contract.pdf
3. C030621 Brink's, Incorporated - First Modification.pdf
4. C030621 Brink's, Incorporated - Second Modification.pdf
5. C030621 Brink's Incorporated - First Extension and Third Modification.pdf
6. C030933 Charter Communications Holdings LLC DBA Charter Communications Operating LLC, -Original Contract.pdf
7. C030933 Charter Communications Holdings LLC DBA Charter Communications Operating LLC, -First Extension.pdf
8. C031953 GPS Education Partners, Inc. -Original Contract.pdf
9. C031969 Parallel Employment Group, Inc. -Original Contract.pdf
10. C031965 Ref Call Something, LLC. -Original Contract.pdf
11. C031970 United Negro College Fund Inc -Original Contract.pdf
12. C030230 Milwaukee Education Partnership Inc, -Original Contract.pdf
13. C030230 Milwaukee Education Partnership Inc, -First Extension.pdf
14. C030230 Milwaukee Education Partnership Inc, -Second Extension.pdf
Recommended for the Board's approval at this meeting are the following exception-to-bid contracts:

Brink's, Incorporated for Armored Car Services for all MPS schools, FSC-0-0-SOS-FN-ECTS =$125,000.00;

Charter Communications Holdings LLC DBA Charter Communications Operating LLC for telephone communication services, PIN-0-0-TLN-DW-ETEL =$199,200.00;

GPS Education Partners, Inc. to provide career awareness and work-based learning experiences, GOE-0-S-CA4-EO-ECTV =$60,000;

Parallel Employment Group, Inc. to provide support staff to MPS schools, GEN-0-I-BDL-DW-ECTS =$2,000,000.00;

Ref Call Something, LLC for basketball officials for Milwaukee Recreation elementary and middle school leagues, RYS-0-0-PRC-RC-ECTS =$66,320.00;

United Negro College Fund Inc for Empower Me Tour (EMT)©, FLD-H-S-9Y4-EO-ECTS =$200,000.00;

Milwaukee Education Partnership, Inc. to enhance teaching and learning in Milwaukee Public schools, GSP-0-0-CTG-DW-ECTS =$75,000;
Fiscal Impact Statement:
This item authorizes expenditures as indicated in the attachments.  
Implementation and Assessment Plan:
Upon approval by the Board, the contracts will begin as indicated in the attachments.  
The Administration recommends that the Board authorize the exception-to-bid contracts as set forth in the attachments to this item.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jiquinna Cohen - Supplier Diversity Analyst I
Signed By:  
Janine Adamczyk - Manager I, Procurement
Signed By:  
Martha Kreitzman - Chief Financial Officer
Signed By:  
Keith Posley, Ed.D. - Superintendent